From West and Central:
Take Mass. Pike (I-90) East to Exit 18 (Cambridge). After tolls, follow
signs toward Cambridge and Storrow Drive. At traffic light, take a
right onto Storrow Drive. Travel approximately 3 miles and exit at
Cambridge Street. Follow Cambridge Street, past Mass. General Hospital
into Government Center. Stay on Cambridge Street (which turns into
Tremont Street at Government Center). At the 2nd set of lights turn
right onto Park Street. At the next light (across from the State
House) turn right onto Beacon Street. Alternate via Mass.
Pike and Fitzgerald Expressway:
Take Mass. Pike (I-90) East to end. Follow signs to Fitzgerald Express
way North (Route 3/I 93 North) to the Exit marked Government Center/North
End/Causeway Street. Proceed down the ramp and make a right onto
Medford Street and bear right onto North Washington Street. Continue
back under the highway you just exited from and bear right onto
New Chardon Street. Follow New Chardon Street past Merrimac Street
(on your right) to Cambridge Street. Take left onto Cambridge Street
(which turns into Tremont Street at Government Center). At the 2nd
set of lights turn right onto Park Street. At the next light (across
from the State House) turn right onto Beacon Street.
From Northeast and North Shore:
Take the better of I-93 South or Route 1 South into Boston to the
Exit marked Haymarket Square/Government Center. At the end of ramp,
take a right and proceed through the traffic lights onto New Chardon
Street. Take New Chardon Street to the end. At the end (intersection
with Cambridge Street) take a left onto Cambridge Street. Stay on
Cambridge Street (which turns into Tremont Street at Government
Center). Stay in the left lane. At the 2nd set of lights turn right
onto Park Street. At the next light (across from the State House)
turn right onto Beacon Street.
From Southeast, South Shore and Cape Cod:
Take the best route to Boston via I-93/Southeast Expressway North.
Continue on the highway as it becomes Fitzgerald Expressway near
the Mass. Pike. Continue North on the Fitzgerald Expressway past
the Callahan Tunnel. Take the Exit marked Government Center/North
End/Causeway Street. Proceed down the ramp and make a right onto
Medford Street and bear right onto North Washington St. Continue
back under the highway you just exited from and bear right onto
New Chardon Street. Follow New Chardon Street past Merrimac Street
(on your right) to Cambridge Street. Take left onto Cambridge Street
(which turns into Tremont Street at Government Center). At the 2nd
set of lights turn right onto Park Street. At the next light (across
from the State House) turn right onto Beacon Street.

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